‘’Let us build wellness rather than treating the disease’’
Hey there!
This is to put light on the fact that writing blogs is today’s highly reciprocated communication tool.
Talking about nutrition marketing today, let us see how blogs help dieticians and nutritionists to build communication, keep clients informed, and enhance patient experience, in this case client experience.
.In the past decade the number of people suffering from chronic ailments has risen by leaps and bounds. Not to forget the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath. Owing to this scenario, the importance of holistic nutrition is apprehended even more today. Thus, people constantly surf for information on health; food items to eat in monsoon, how to cure acidity, naturally healthy lunch box ideas for kids, and the list goes on.
But the catch is where are they looking for this information? Are the answers authentic?
Afterall, having the right information especially when it comes to health is crucial right? Knowing the nutritional element of food you consume, pros and cons of cooking in certain ways, natural fortification of food products, psychosomatic interrelation between food and body, all of it is important.
What are the real-time benefits of nutrition blogs?
Feather to website-
If you have a website, blogs serve as an excellent ingredient to the recipe of ranking on google. It is a crucial factor in the SEO parameters. All of this might sound too technical, but the bottom line is, blogs increase online visibility and online is where you are searched.
Great authentic value addition
Today’s age is more about experience. With blogs, you add value to the people coming to your service. It is not just restricted to a particular topic. It enables to share information about anything- right from daily routine habits to complex diseases and how to manage them with food. More the value addition better the client experience.
Boosts social media presence
Firstly, blogs have altogether different platforms for dietician marketing. However, when cross promoted, they serve with positive results as well.
On social media, one single blog can be promoted via several ways like static designs, videos, yes, reels on Instagram too! Thus, a boost to social media plus a green tick to above shared benefit which is a great authentic value addition.
Personal Brand enhancement
When the above two aspects are considered i.e. value addition and social media presence, brand enhancement is bound to happen. The Healthcare industry, especially nutritionists play more of an individual role as the practice is not entitled to big setups and teams. Thus, building a personal brand is always profitable. With blogs, thought leadership is established, and thus a trustworthy foundation is built.
All the benefits are interlinked it seems!
Well, although extremely beneficial, blog writing can be difficult too. Not everyone succeeds as desired of which the reasons might vary, like lack of time & ideas, insufficient technical knowledge (SEO, the blog hero), bad choice of topics, adding too much technical information and less pleasing visuals to blogs, etc.
Nth Sense expert blog writer to every nutritionist's rescue!
First things first, here are a few questions-
Do you want your blog to attract clients and book a session with you?
Do you want to open up collaboration opportunities and get known in a wider audience?
Do you find this client engagement solution interesting wherein you first bring people to read your blogs, convert them into subscribers and eventually become your clients?
If your answer to all or even one question is yes, then you are at the right place!
Nth Sense has an expert team of writers which knows how to make even difficult terminologies easy to understand. All you need to do is spare just a little, brief them about the topic you would like to share about and that's it! You will receive a readymade, SEO-friendly blog without hampering the data.
Read more about Nth Sense’s blogs and get started.
Let us write for you!
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