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Why Nth Sense calls patient engagement different than digital marketing

‘Healthcare is not a product that relies only on marketing; In fact,

it inclines more towards empathy and emotional quotient!’

Patient communication is a real-time necessity, without a doubt. The online world has brought digital communication in front as the prime patient engagement tool. Digital Marketing and Patient Engagement, both these activities are in trend, we all know since when. But at times the line between these two gets blurred and the meaning of both gets mixed up. So here is a catch!

Nth Sense being one of the finest patient engagement platforms gives a whirl to highlight this difference.

But first, let’s start with the similarities (as they are very little)-

There are certain bare minimum things that capture a place on both stands, digital marketing & patient engagement. To name a few- social media postings, content for Whatsapp like creatives, videos, etc., SEO-friendly blogs, influencer marketing, analytic report of social media, and there you are! That’s almost the list!

Then what is the real difference?

Well, as said, Digital Marketing comes in front as a promotion while Patient Engagement is more about compassion. The whole difference lies in this sentence!

Now let us look into the specifics. To simplify this whole concept, below are the 3 major categories that differentiate Patient Engagement from digital marketing, form its pillar & eventually aid in a positive patient experience. Nth Sense brings this difference!

1. Patient Feedback

Patient Feedback

Patient Engagement

Digital Marketing

​Patient Feedback Forms - Online



Patient Feedback Forms - Telephonic​



Patient Feedback Analysis Report​



Medical Business Intelligence/Consultation​


May be

Feedback is a way of asking patients about their opinions on the care and treatment in a rigorous yet systematic fashion. Answers to these questions might become the finest source to gather patient insight to better patient satisfaction & eventually your style of practice. Thus, don’t underestimate the potential of patient feedback.

PS- The Feedback category is not ordinary! It is the USP of Nth Sense as it walks the extra mile with this as it’s one of the best patient engagement solutions.

But getting feedback is not as easy as it might sound. You all must be tired of asking patients about their feedback but they seldom give, right? However, at Nth Sense, feedback forms are designed to make it super easy for patients/clients to give feedback. In addition, an option of keeping their identity anonymous is also provided which adds trust & shows the desire of their healthcare professional to know honest feedback.

And even after all of these, if the patient still doesn't give feedback, Nth Sense’s executive calls each patient to take their feedback on phone, bringing more ease to patients.

2. Cross Promotion

Cross Promotion

Patient Engagement

Digital Marketing

​On Nth Sense social media platform



Blog uploads on Nth Sense Website



​Cross-promotion on Nth Sense's Youtube Channel



​Youtube revenue sharing with clients



​Podcast - Video & Audio



Nth Sense being one of the experienced & top most patient engagement platforms practices these cross-promotion features for all the healthcare providers, thus enabling them the perks of higher SEO rankings of its own.

This is done so that patients/users find more platforms to stay in touch with their healthcare professionals. Plus Nth Sense aims to impart authentic health knowledge to everyone without keeping it limited to privileged few. Last but not the least, this increases the chances of a healthcare professional to get new patients/clients through greater visibility and word of mouth.

3. Convenience features

Convenience Features

Patient Engagement

Digital Marketing

Booking Platform



Whatsapp for business



Payment Portal



Virtual assistance



Convenience comes from compassion. As the whole model of Nth Sense works on empathy, compassion & happy experience, it offers these 4 different convenience features to enhance the patient engagement practice.

While banking on these points, Nth Sense strives to make healthcare a happy experience.

Patient engagement can become an exhausting task if done alone; after all, practicing medicine is in itself a daunting task where you as a doctor are 24/7 occupied in serving society. Understanding this scenario, Nth Sense steps in as the best & trustworthy partner to aid you to improve your patient engagement game, educate patients in this era of digital health, and escalate patient satisfaction.

Making healthcare a happy experience is the ultimate motto of Nth Sense. Thus, we strive to bring the healthcare providers and the patients on the same page and help achieve all the healthcare goals of both sides.

‘’Imagine the wonderful feeling a patient gets on seeing his feedback being welcomed and implemented. Giving patients a platform for honest feedback is the best way to measure their happiness quotient."

~ Yash Bharwani, Co-Founder, Nth Sense

To join this mission and add feathers of digital patient engagement to your practice, join Nth Sense.

Take the Leap.


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